Monday, October 29, 2007
7 Random Facts...
1. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to find my arm straight up in the air, like I'm doing a "Heil Hitler" salute. My brother apparently does the same thing. Must be genetic.
2. My very first kiss was with Kevin, my husband. He wasn't my husband at the time, we were dating. Believe me, I was never that girl who would only kiss my just turned out to be that way. I never wanted to kiss anyone else.
Just a little interjection here, Kevin is helping me do this because I can't think of anything randomly interesting.
3. I almost didn't submit my papers to go on a mission because I finally got the job offer from Disneyworld that I was hoping for...3 months late! I decided to go on a mission and ended up going to Florida anyway! How's that for "coincidence?"
4. Kevin told me to write that I don't like cockroaches. Does anybody? That doesn't seem too random. He says that I freak out more than the average person when I see a cockroach. He's right I think. One time I had a 10 minute standoff with a tiny cockroach who decided to plant himself right in front of my door as I was trying to go into the house one night late after apron club. I kept stomping my feet and waving my sewing box at it, but he wouldn't leave! Stupid thing. I finally overcame my fear and jumped over it, at the same imagining that it was going to fly up my skirt and attach itself to my underwear. Those suckers are evil I tell you!
5. I love kid's clothes. I'll spend hours online after the kids go to bed browsing Old Navy, Children's Place, Gymboree and cute boutiques finding cute clothes. These kids have more clothes than Kevin and I do put together, but for some reason I have a hard time resisting. I already have their Christmas clothes purchased and tucked nicely in the closet waiting for Thanksgiving to be over!
6. My name is Christie Rae. I was named after my great grandma (Christie) and great grandpa (Ray). Whenever someone calls me by my full name I feel like I should be in the South eating grits and fried chicken.
7. I love to take HOT showers. When I say hot, I mean hot. In fact there have been a couple of times in my life where I have fainted right after getting out of the shower because it was a tad too hot. That's when I know I need to turn it down, but just a little. I feel it has to be hot to kill the germies. Kevin says that is the soap's job. Whatever. I like having my skin be a nice flush pinkish red when I get out. A hot shower is the perfect antidote to any of life's problems. :)
Okay, there are my 7 random facts. Now I am supposed to tag 7 other people. And those people are to tag 7 people when they write their random facts. So here goes. I tag: Heather, Maren, Aubrey, Dawn, Kerry, Alisa, Nicki. Whew! It was hard to find 7 people who didn't already do this tag, in some form!
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Spiderman Cade and Pirate Breck

Pretty Pumpkin Emma

Cheerleader Myla

Master Jedi Kevin with Myla

The Block Party Parade!
Grandma and Grandpa Visit!

The Big 3-0!

Last night my sisters Nicki and Jamie took me out to Matta's for dinner. We had a great time visiting and eating and admitting to strange sleeping habits. :) Thank you so much! I love my sisters.

Me, Nicki, Jamie, Stephanie
Thank you to all of you who called, emailed, or sent fun packages (like Yoga mats!). You all made my birthday so special!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Mommy Escapades: Potty Training

There a lot of funny things that happen to me as a mother that I decided to start a little mini-blogging-series called The Mommy Escapades. Cheesy? Probably, but it will be fun to document the little things my kids do that make it totally worth it (or totally exasperating) to be a Mommy.
I decided to start this little series this morning due to a little mishap we had in the bathroom. Cade has been potty training for about three weeks, and has really been doing a good job. We are only down to changing his underwear about 3-4 times a day. Before we easily went through all of his underwear every day, which totals 12. He really has trouble going poo in the toilet. But I understand that is normal.
Anyway, this morning I was getting Cade ready for preschool and he said he needed to go potty. I told him to go and as he is sitting on the potty chair he is calling for me to come watch him go pee pee. As I walk in he lifts the hand that is pointing his pee pee into the potty to wave hi. In order to demonstrate what happened next I want you to imagine a hose that is on at a pretty high water pressure. What happens if you let the hose go? It swings around wherever it wants, spraying everything in it's path! Yes, this is what happened. Urine was everywhere. Myla had followed me into the bathroom because it is the highlight of her day to grab the toilet brush and put it in her mouth while Mommy is preoccupied with Cade and the potty. Then she likes to dip it in the toilet and run it through her hair. Anyway, Cade had thoroughly soaked my legs, Myla, the bathroom floor, and even managed to get it on the mirror! What does he do? He laughs. Hysterically. Which makes Myla laugh. Which makes me laugh.
Oh potty training. When will it be over?
Monday, October 15, 2007
A Day at the Zoo

Miss Myla the Diva
This was the only picture I could upload to blogger tonight. I have a ton of cute ones that I'll try to upload later.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Brian Regan Live

Here is one of Kevin's favorite bits that Brian does:
And here is one of mine:
Friday, October 5, 2007
Little Miss Myla

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Miss Maren's Monkeys

Cade is LOVING preschool! He gets so excited when it's time to choose his show and tell item, put his backpack on and head off to school. Miss Maren is the coolest and created a blog to highlight what's going on at preschool. Check it out!
Monday, October 1, 2007
DA (Doodlebops Anonymous)
Okay, you can all mock me now. Don't worry, Kevin thinks I'm out of my mind too. I suggested that we be Doodlebops for Halloween and he quickly shot that idea down (that's a bit comforting for me actually.) Now I need to get Cade or Myla on board.
So there you's out in the open. Strangely, I don't feel relieved. :)
Oh What a Night!