Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Favorite Moment

The days are hectic now. So fun, but hectic. We no longer have the luxury of staying in our PJs, sleeping in, watching TV, or even just playing. All four of us need to be up, dressed, fed, hair done, book bags gathered and out the door by 8:00am. I run my errands, and then a couple of hours later pick the kids up, get lunch made and eaten, try to pick up the house, get naps (if I'm lucky). By that time it's time to get dinner made and eaten, baths taken, prayers said and go to bed. This is a new thing for us. We are still working on a routine. I think we are getting it down, but I'll admit that sometimes we get a little frazzled. And this is only preschool! I wonder how things will be in a couple of years when they are all in school. It's a new phase in our lives and we do love it. It's fun to watch the kids learn and grow and get so excited about the new things they are doing. Anyway, the busyness of our day makes me appreciate the sweet, quiet moments a little more. This is one of them: getting Gavin up from his nap.
I love how he sleeps with his bum up in the air.
And how he always smiles when he first sees me.
He thinks its great fun to play peek-a-boo between the crib slats.
Love that face!
He always gives me a tight hug and pats my back with his little hands when I get him out of the crib. It's my moment with him, however small it may be. It doesn't last long before he wants to be let down to go see what the big kids are up to. And it's not often that he'll let me snuggle him throughout the day. So I look forward to these special little moments.



CUTE! my boys, standing here while i read this..."i love gavin", "i want to see more gavin", "2 gavins!"


So so sweet!!! Snuggles are the best!!!

Jessie Lewis

Those moments of snuggling are so cherished. Pardon the language, but Maddie will cuddle with me when she's pooing.


I was just thinking about this being my last year of total stay at home bliss. It makes me enjoy it more and not wish for soccer practices and school just yet.

Jamie W.

That's so sweet. Gavin is such a cutie pie. Love the peek a boo in the crib, Tatum just started doing that she loves to do it with her blankies. Cute babies!!


What cute little curls. I bet they won't last!

Wow, crazy days! Gav is such a cutie! I absolutely love his eyes, they always sparkle!

Jill Manning

Elsie also tries to play peek a boo through the railings and it cracks me up. Funny kids. Thanks for letting us get a peek into your hectic yet satisfying day.

The MacMizzles

That really is such a sweet face. I miss him...and I miss you!