Saturday, July 25, 2009

Playing house

The other day I bought this really cool cardboard playhouse at Hobby Lobby. The idea is to spend hours and hours coloring it and making it pretty. Then spending hours and hours playing in it. (During those hours and hours Mom would get to clean, or sew, or...something.) The coloring lasted about 20 minutes then Kevin put it up and then Myla abandoned it all together. Cade, however, has staked his claim.
For the past three nights he has slept in it. I keep thinking he'll wake up all kinked and not want to sleep in it anymore. Not yet...he loves it!

It's a work-in-progress, and I'm hoping they'll continue coloring it. They would if I let them use markers. The dreaded markers. Does anybody else feel the same way I do about markers? They are banished, exiled, hidden from little fingers. Maybe it's time to have a marker party! I love a good theme party. :)



That is so funny. Little kids can sleep anywhere.


so cute! what a cute idea! and i totally avoid markers too at all:) why arent crayons good enough anymore? so fun!


Love the theme party idea! Are we invited? LOL

The Earls

That looks like fun! We too have banned markers. We went through a spell where the kids could use them, then I found it on clothes, furniture, walls, etc. I was so upset. The only markers they can use now are those color wonder ones.


How fun!!! I want one!!!

Jill Manning

What a great idea! What a guy thing to do to stake anything that resembles a fort as his own. If you have a marker party, I will bring over some Mr Clean eraser wipes for you to help clean up afterwards! They really do work!

The MacMizzles

We are all about washable markers around here. For now, they know the walls of the real home are off limits. I might rush out and buy that house...Cade looks so big, and grown up to me. How funny.


I hate markers too. Every year about this time (when they are super cheap) I buy some...and every year...I end up throwing them away. My kids do the wierdest things with them.

I love the play house though! Maybe you can take it outside and let them use water colors on it???

Jamie W.

Love the house. Oh how we long for something that will keep our kids entertained so we can do all our mom duties. : )

Heather Bower

That is super cute... I love the little undies, boys are so cute. :) He'll love that picture later in life.