Lately, all my time has gone to three things: my sweet family, my new job (creating curriculum and lesson plans), and trying to keep my house from becoming a hazard to our health (I'm not sure I'm succeeding there.). I have no time to blog, no time to watch my favorite shows, no time to work out and barely any time to sleep. Life is good. We like being busy. We feel very blessed right now with the way things are working out in our life. I'll get the hang of our new schedule soon and then I'll get back to my favorite pasttimes. So here are some things I want to blog about when life slows down:
End of summer fun stuff
Cade starting Kindergarten
Myla starting MELP and preschool
Me teaching Language Arts/English at a small charter school
Gavin's cuteness
Kevin's radness or raddness (I type it both ways and I can't decide which it is)
Our super fun trip to Utah
Jay and Anna's wedding
A few fun recipes to share
Mommy Moments
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago